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Night Vision Potion


Part Of A Project On 'Potions'

I was set a task in college to make a 3D asset of a potion. After scrolling Pintrest for ideas and looking at potions in existing media, I came up with the concept of a night vision potion. Part of this idea was influenced by the Night Vision Potion from Minecraft and the drink 'Night Nectar' from the app Talking Angela. If you were to give this potion to a character in a game, they would be able to see more clearly in a dark space.
Creating this was a challenge as I ended up with a lot of non manifold geometry in Maya that took a long time to fix. When I imported it into unreal there was only one material slot so I had to fix the issue in Maya so I could apply the glass and liquid potion. I eventually fixed it and the problem solving was worth it.

This was modelled in Maya, UV'd and textured in 3DCoat and Rendered in Unreal Engine 4

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